Bridal Trends from NYBFW: Color Crush

Color is becoming increasingly popular in bridal as designers cater to brides’ desire to break tradition and be themselves. While blushes and pinks have been popping up in bridal collections for a few years now, one color that is really seeing a big surge in popularity is blue! Hey, it’s perfect! If you’re gonna do the whole “Something Old, Something New” thing, why not make your “Something Blue” your wedding dress!?


Monique Lhuillier


Jenny Packham


Jenny Packham


Naeem Khan


Galia Lahav


Leanne Marshall

Would you wear blue for your walk down the aisle? Or is there another color you would opt for over traditional tones?

Bridal Trends from NYBFW: Delicate (Floral) Details

As Bridal Fashion Week draws to a close, we’re going to take a look at some of the biggest trends coming to a bridal shop near you! Today’s focus is on the sweet delicate look of light, flowing fabrics and tiny floral details. This small sampling of from the many, many designer that presented beautifully illustrate the attention to soft, feminine touches. Enjoy!


Limor Rosen




Monique Lhuillier


Jenny Packham




Monique Lhuillier

More trends to come (and some of them are pretty awesome)! Is there a trend you saw on the bridal runways that you’re excited for?

5 Easy Ways to Save on Your Wedding!


Photo by: Laura Barnes Photo via

Let’s be real, weddings are expensive. Even if you plan something small, the costs can add up quickly. And since not everyone can afford to go all out for their big day, here are 5 ideas for easy cost-cutters that will still make your big day feel extra special!

1. Trim your Guest List. Creating a more intimate wedding with your absolute closest friends and family is going to save you a good chunk of change. Think about the people you could absolutely not do this day without. If you still want to celebrate with a big group of people, throw a more casual affair at a local restaurant after your honeymoon!

2. Utilize your Friends’ Talents. Have a friend with great handwriting? Ask her to help you address the invitations! Your coworker is taking floral design classes? Have her make your bouquet! If your soon to be aunt-in-law the best baker you know, ask her if she’d like to make your cake! And while you can’t expect these things to be free, you may be able to save money compared to traditional vendors.

3. Shop Secondhand. Vintage is huge right now in weddings, so why not take a trip to your local Salvation Army store or Goodwill to see what treasures you may find! You can also check online for bulk wedding decor that people are practically begging to have taken off their hands! Sites like Oncewed and Nearly Newlywed allow brides to buy and sell their gently used wedding gowns!

4. Say “No”. Nicely, of course! I recently had a friend who didn’t say no when her wedding planner brought her ideas, and it’s costing her more than she budgeted. Vendors can always try to upsell and your guests may ask if they can bring a friend when you didn’t plan for them to. The easiest solution is to stand your ground and don’t be pushed to spend your money if you don’t want to.

5. Remember What’s Important. This one isn’t so much a trick as a state of mind. Remember that the wedding is just Day 1 in a marriage, and the marriage is what the wedding is about in the first place. Don’t lose sight of your life with your fiance for the sake of having the perfectly mismatched tablescape or extravagant floral arrangements.

My fiance and I are employing some of these tricks as we plan our own wedding right now! What other tricks do y’all have for saving money on your big day?

How to (Politely) Request a Child-Free Wedding


Earlier this week, I was chatting with one of my best friends about a wedding she went to over the weekend. While the wedding was beautiful and she enjoyed being there for one of her oldest friend, she couldn’t help but note on the number of children in attendance, despite the bride’s wish that the event be adult-only.

This got us talking and thinking: how do you clearly and politely indicate to your guests that you do not wish to have children at your wedding?

This requires some finesse, as simply putting “Adult Only” on the invitation or reply card could be seen as a bit harsh.

If you want to be subtle, state that you have reserved enough seats only for the number of adults you are inviting. Traditionally, if you only address the invitation to the adults of the household, your guest will know that only the adults are invited (if children are invited, invitation should be addressed with “Name and family”). Be careful of being too subtle though, as some may bring their children anyway. To protect against this, try confirming with guests about their attendance and remind them of your request that they not bring their children.

To be more direct, include a note in the invitation suite that politely outlines your intentions for an adult-on occasion. While this method is more likely to give you the desired outcome, know that some people may be offended. But it’s your wedding, and this is what you want, so it’s ok (as long as you are gracious about it). State plainly that you want to ensure everyone has a good time without the stress of children and kindly ask that parents make care arrangements for their kids that night. Adding a little tact and finesse to your request will make your guests most likely to acquiesce.

Have you been to a wedding that requested no children? One with children? Which would you prefer for your own wedding?