The Big Event

Today was the big day. Today was The Big Event, OU’s official day of community service. Hundreds go students gave up their saturday morning to spend some time around the Oklahoma City metro serving the community.

My group and I were assigned to work the Redbud Classic in the city. The Redbud Classic is one of the biggest race events in the area. It included a cycling race through the city and a 1-mile kids’ fun run.

We began our shift at the cycling part of the event. By the time we got to the site, the race was almost over and they were getting ready to give prizes and awards. Once that was over, our work began. We loaded trucks with water and leftover snacks, then folded tables and chairs and moved other things out of the parking lot where the race had been set up


Once the site was struck, we moved on to the kids’ event a few blocks away. Here, we were again going to be helping with take-down, but we got to the site before the run had even started. So we set up a little water station for the kids and waited for our work to start. This event was much more colorful and fun. Each child for a redbud tree to take home and plant. There were games and food and prizes to keep them all entertained and engaged.


And Kelly got pretty creative with entertaining herself. Water bottle juggling.



I unfortunately had to leave before the run was over, but everyone in the group told me how much they enjoyed working with this event and the team of organizers. I am always grateful to be a part of this experience, and could not have picked a better team or job.

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